InforÂmaÂtiÂon purÂsuÂant to Sect. 5 (TMG)
irs​cat​.ch GmbH
GottÂfried KelÂlerÂstrasÂse 2
6010 KriÂens
ComÂmerÂcial RegisÂter: CHE-112.898.685
RegisÂtraÂtiÂon court: Nidwalden
RepreÂsenÂted by:
ChrisÂtiÂan Florin
TeleÂfon: 041 620 05 07
E‑Mail: floir@​sunrise.​ch
Sales tax idenÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon numÂber accorÂding to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
CHE-112.898.685 MWST
PerÂson responÂsiÂble for editorial
ChrisÂtiÂan Florin
EU disÂpuÂte resolution
The EuroÂpean ComÂmisÂsiÂon proÂviÂdes a platÂform for online disÂpuÂte resoÂluÂtiÂon (ODR): https://​ec​.euro​pa​.eu/​c​o​n​s​u​m​e​r​s​/​o​dr/.
Our e‑mail address can be found aboÂve in the site notice.
DisÂpuÂte resoÂluÂtiÂon proÂceeÂdings in front of a conÂsuÂmer arbiÂtraÂtiÂon board
We are not wilÂling or obliÂged to parÂtiÂciÂpaÂte in disÂpuÂte resoÂluÂtiÂon proÂceeÂdings in front of a conÂsuÂmer arbiÂtraÂtiÂon board.