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A well-known natu­ral spec­ta­cle is the rain­bow, a very colorful stri­pe that is always cur­ved when view­ed from the earth. If the can­ton of Nid­wal­den, seen from Lucer­ne, comes into a “wash cycle” (hea­vy rain), this spec­ta­cle is frigh­tening for tho­se “insi­de” and a natu­ral spec­ta­cle for tho­se who look from the outside.

Why is the­re a rain­bow? Who puts the color in the rain­bow? Why is the rain­bow always bent? Who always arran­ges the­se colors in the same order? Under what con­di­ti­ons are the colors rever­sed in a rainbow?

For detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on see: https://​www​.you​tube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​6​t​O​K​v​j​8​Q​o74

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