Inno­va­ti­on in Photonics

Pho­to­nics is the key tech­no­lo­gy of today and the future. Pho­tons are unbeat­a­b­ly fast and deli­ver signals with the hig­hest pre­cis­i­on, enable high power den­si­ties in a wide band of fre­quen­ci­es and belong to the basis for many cur­rent chal­lenges in all indus­tries. Pho­tons unlock grea­ter poten­ti­al than elec­trons did in the last century.


Light is almost a mil­li­on times fas­ter than sound and much more accu­ra­te. Par­tic­les of light, cal­led “pho­tons”, are robust in indus­tri­al use and open up new paths in all bran­ches. Light is used to pre­cis­e­ly mea­su­re a geo­me­try of com­pon­ents, deter­mi­ne the thic­k­ness of indi­vi­du­al lay­ers in a mul­ti­lay­er sys­tem, loca­li­ze micro-holes or micro-cracks, detect adhe­si­on defects or explo­re the topo­gra­phy of a sur­face in the sub-micron ran­ge. Anyo­ne who deals with pho­tons knows that the field of “pho­to­nics” is alre­a­dy of gre­at importance today and that the useful pos­si­bi­li­ties can hard­ly be asses­sed comprehensively. 

Micro­ho­le detec­tion with OCT and ASP array

Nor­mal ima­ging sys­tems record the reflec­tion and the scat­te­ring of an object sur­face. They are the­r­e­fo­re depen­dent on the light of the envi­ron­ment and the object its­elf. Opti­cal Cohe­rence Tomo­gra­phy (OCT) sys­tems only mea­su­re inter­fe­rence from sur­faces or from insi­de of the object. The inter­fe­rence only occurs when the pho­tons come from the same source. The­r­e­fo­re, with the OCT method, the signal is not influen­ced by the color of the object or the light in the envi­ron­ment. With the ASP array, an acti­ve sen­sor pixel array is available for the first time, with which enti­re lines with a pixel size bet­ween 1 µm and 100 µm can be scan­ned on a line up to 30 mm long (300 pixels on 30 mm). 


The expe­ri­ence in “tomo­gra­phy” has been built up in our com­pa­ny with various tech­no­lo­gies (sound, ther­mo­gra­phy, light) in deca­des of prac­ti­cal work. Descri­be your task so that we can advi­se you com­pe­tent­ly when deve­lo­ping a solution.