Opti­cal tomography

Stan­dard ima­ging sys­tems record the reflec­tion and the scat­te­ring of an object sur­face. They are the­r­e­fo­re depen­dent on the ambi­ent light and the object its­elf. “Opti­cal Cohe­rence Tomo­gra­phy” (OCT) only mea­su­res inter­fe­rence from sur­faces or from the insi­de of the com­po­nent. With the OCT method, the signal is not influen­ced by the color of the object or the light from the envi­ron­ment. With the ASP array, a sen­sor pixel array is available with which two-dimen­sio­nal images with a pixel size of 1 µm to 100 µm can be scan­ned very quickly. 

About irs​cat​.ch

irs​cat​.ch – pho­to­nics reli­es on expe­ri­en­ced staff and on the know-how in the non-des­truc­ti­ve and non-cont­act detec­tion of signals in tomo­gra­phic form, which has been deve­lo­ped over more than 30 years. Some of the pro­cess tech­no­lo­gies used on the mar­ket are paten­ted. New appli­ca­ti­ons and pro­ces­ses are deve­lo­ped in Switz­er­land. Tech­ni­cal­ly sophisti­ca­ted sys­tems that are used in prac­ti­ce are defi­ned by irs​cat​.ch Pho­to­nics and brought to mar­ket by Swiss­Qua­li AG. 

The image stack shows an opti­cal tomo­gram from a object. The image stack con­sists of 500 two dimen­sio­nal images, each 300 * 300 pixels. A images stack is cap­tu­red in a few mil­li­se­conds. Each sin­gle image can be ana­ly­zed individually.

irs​cat​.ch, com­po­nent and object scan­ning, deals with non-des­truc­ti­ve mea­su­re­ment methods and pro­ces­ses used in con­s­truc­tion engi­nee­ring, indus­try and medi­ci­ne. We exami­ne rein­forced con­cre­te struc­tures, loca­li­ze and inspect pre ten­si­on cables, make visi­ble struc­tures of insi­de mate­ri­als wit­hout des­troy­ing them, inspect sea­led seams and mea­su­re the thic­k­ness of com­plex layers.

Our part­ners


The Swiss­Qua­li AG insti­tu­te deve­lo­ps and mana­ges the latest gene­ra­ti­on of opti­cal mea­su­ring and test­ing sys­tems in its port­fo­lio. In most cases, the­se are tomo­gra­phic sys­tems based on various tech­no­lo­gies in order to opti­mal­ly imple­ment and meet the requi­re­ments of cus­to­mers from the phar­maceu­ti­cal, con­s­truc­tion or auto­mo­ti­ve industries. 

Beck Engi­nee­ring

In coope­ra­ti­on with irs​cat​.ch or with the Insti­tut Swiss Qua­li AG, Beck Engi­nee­ring GmbH offers com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­vices in the field of buil­ding scan­ning and pro­fes­sio­nal tomo­gra­phy. If pre­ven­ti­ve main­ten­an­ce, ther­mo­gra­phy, rebar search, indus­tri­al plant scan­ning or qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of sur­faces and lay­ers are a topic, we can offer you our services.