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Seal seam inspection

Opti­mi­zed pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses run 24 hours a day and must be moni­to­red con­ti­nuous­ly and at gre­at speed so that any fail­ure can be kept to a mini­mum. The decisi­ve fac­tor here is a flaw­less seal. Opti­cal tomo­gra­phy is ide­al for seal seam inspec­tion becau­se the method allows com­plex pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses to be moni­to­red at the speed of light, works wit­hout cont­act, resol­ves the finest struc­tures, and reacts neither to light from the envi­ron­ment nor to the color of the object being inspec­ted or to vibra­ti­ons in the environment.

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Under­stan­ding infrared images — sup­ple­men­ted with impressions

The report descri­bes ther­mo­grams and how to inter­pret them. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on is con­tai­ned in the gene­ral manu­al for com­po­nent and buil­ding scan­ning or is available on request.

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Com­po­nent and buil­ding scan­ning com­ple­te manual

Com­po­nent and buil­ding scan­ning com­ple­te manu­al
Appli­ca­ti­ons of the non-des­truc­ti­ve mea­su­ring, inspec­tion and test­ing methods in the con­s­truc­tion indus­try are descri­bed on more than 100 pages in the com­ple­te manual.

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DGZEP Descrip­ti­on CF

DGZfP descrip­ti­on. Opti­cal tomo­gra­phy, a modern, very effi­ci­ent ima­ging mea­su­re­ment method.

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Opti­cal tomo­gra­phy in the manu­fac­tu­ring indus­try for pro­cess con­trol and pro­cess moni­to­ring at the speed of light.

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