Tomo­gra­phy systems

The OCT-Tech­no­lo­gy — Exclu­si­ve tool for the industry.

The OCT method (opti­cal cohe­rence tomo­gra­phy) is robust and sui­ta­ble for use in indus­try. Equip­ped with an ASP Array (Acti­ve Sen­sor Pixel Array), the image acqui­si­ti­on speed of our OCT sys­tems is 100 times fas­ter than that of con­ven­tio­nal came­ra systems. 
If the varia­bles sought (den­si­ty, heat capa­ci­ty, dielec­tric con­stant, opti­cal pro­per­ties, tran­sit time, humi­di­ty, .….) are recor­ded tomo­gra­phi­cal­ly, the results can typi­cal­ly be dis­play­ed in all 3 dimen­si­ons. The ampli­tu­de and/​or the pha­se of the respon­se func­tion can be extracted. 


The deep look

The movie shows each lay­er in an image stack as a two-dimen­sio­nal image. The movie con­ta­ins a total of 500 “inter­fe­ro­grams” with an image spa­cing of a few micrometers. 

Micro­ho­le localization

The detec­tion of the smal­lest holes in films or foils is beco­ming incre­asing­ly important. Holes and the depth of the holes are cle­ar­ly deter­mi­ned using opti­cal methods. 

Non-des­truc­ti­ve mate­ri­al testing

If you have a CFRP pla­te in front of you, you will not see any del­a­mi­na­ti­on or del­a­mi­na­ti­on becau­se the­se are cover­ed. With IR tomo­gra­phy, howe­ver, defects in the depth of a CFRP pla­te can be relia­bly detec­ted and characterized. 

Non-des­truc­ti­ve mea­su­ring, dia­gno­stic and test­ing methods

The irs​cat​.ch, com­po­nent and buil­ding scan­ning deals with all non-des­truc­ti­ve mea­su­re­ment methods and pro­ce­du­res that are used in tech­no­lo­gy. We mea­su­re the geo­me­try of com­plex com­pon­ents, inspect seal­ing seams, record con­tours with micro­me­ter accu­ra­cy, loca­li­ze prestres­sing cables or make the insi­de of com­pon­ents visi­ble non-destructively.